Wet Vomit Found on Bags Under Seat Aboard Airplane

IΒ Β do not mean to regurgitate a story which was covered in this article written by Gary Leff of View From The Wing; but I thought I would throw up this account of a family who sat aboard an airplane where the results of the reverse peristalsis of someone was found on the bags of Scott Shirley and his wife after they stored them under the seats in front of them.

Although United Airlines β€” which operatedΒ the flight in question on Sunday, April 12, 2015 β€” offered to switch them to a flight scheduled to depart the next day from Orlando, theyΒ decided to stay in their retched seats and stomach the flight because the wife of Scott ShirleyΒ was required to be at work the next day.

Rather thanΒ heaving up cleaning supplies and scrubbing the wet vomit off of the seats, members of the flight crewΒ instead offered blankets β€” which in and of itself is enough to cause someone to lose it β€” as the aircraft hurled them to their intended destination of the District of Columbia.

A claim was later filed at the airport for the airline to cough up enough compensation to cover the damage to their bags.

This official statement from aΒ spokesperson of United Airlines blows chunks, in my opinion:

The situation Mr. Shirley described is certainly one that we wish no customer experiences, as our cleaners did not fully clean the seat area prior to departure. We offered them an alternate flight, but they decided to remain onboard. Our agents did the best they could in the short time they had to accommodate Mr. Shirley and keep the flight on time. We’re reaching out to apologize for his experience.

To bring up an obvious point, it would seem to me that the fault rests in the bowelsΒ of United Airlines, as this incident could certainly have been handled better; although I do not know the circumstances of just how important it was for the wife of Scott ShirleyΒ to return to work the next day β€” perhaps for an important meeting which would have been next to impossible to postpone β€” or whether or not the airplane was completely full. There is not enough information to completely digest the facts in this incident; but I do believe that a maintenanceΒ crew should have been brought aboard to clean up the sickeningΒ mess…

…and I do ponder how well the airplanes are cleaned at all if the vomitΒ underneath the seats was not noticed. Would you be aching for an answer to that thought? It is enough to cause someone to double over and barf β€” which, apparently, is what happened in the first place.

I thought this story might have been a gag at first; but sadly, it appears to be trueΒ β€” and I would not be surprised if all parties concerned would prefer to purge this incident from their memories rather than have it spew out all over the media…

  1. Hilarious! No, you did not want to re-pub this annoying story, but impress us with your creativity. Success, if a bit disgusting! Point aside, airplane cleaning, especially on domestic U.S. flights, is horrible to none. Long hauls are better and foreign flags are better, but often not by much. This “Dirty” little secret seems to be the funny uncle of the soft product that no one will talk about. More than once I asked multiple bloggers to include a comment about basic cabin hygiene and it never seems to happen. The stories…

    1. Thank you, Cook. I appreciate the feedback. I could not resist having a little fun…

      …but it never really occurred to me to include basic cabin hygiene in a trip report, as I have never seen a cabin what I would consider spotlessly clean. Other than obviously poor hygiene, I always supposed that the condition of a cabin in terms of cleanliness was taken for granted by everyone: I would never eat directly off of the surface of a tray table, for example.

      Please let me know exactly what you are looking for in terms of that comment pertaining to basic cabin hygiene so that I may include that aspect in future trip reports…

  2. Shouldn’t the FAs check the cabin to ensure everything is in order? I see them spending most of their time chatting to one another.

  3. Brian, A man after my own heart! I love your humor and how you are able to inject puns into your story. Thank you for giving me something to laugh about with regards to our experience. πŸ™‚

  4. Another great article. What no one seems to be talking about is the fact that the person or kids who threw up didn’t report it. Yes FAs should check, yes cleaning crews should probably do a better job, but if no one reports it, the odds of not being fixed jump dramatically.

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