Sunrise Daytona Beach
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

Happy Countdown Day

As the current 2019 Novel Coronavirus pandemic continues, today is a purely coincidental — and hopefully, not cruelly ironic — day, as it is Saturday, April 3, 2021…

Happy Countdown Day

…and if you are wondering why today is Countdown Day and you are located in a place where the month first before the day numerically, today is also 4-3-21 — resembling a countdown.

a screenshot of a calendar
Today is April 3, 2021 — which can be considered Countdown Day.

This actually happened before, but in a different way: Thursday, March 4, 2021 was Countdown Day in locations at which the day is placed first before the month numerically — 4-3-21.

Both of these coincidences only occur once in our lifetime — but two annual countdown days do exist if you leave out the year in a location at which the month is placed first before the day numerically and the year is excluded: March 21 or 3-21; or February 10, which appears as 2-10 numerically.


Regardless of which day is considered to be Countdown Day, let us hope that the current 2019 Novel Coronavirus pandemic will officially be declared over as soon as possible — that we can eventually start to count down towards that day — so that we can all travel again…

…and that today is a great, fun, and healthy day for you — as every day should hopefully be for you.

Happy Countdown Day!

Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

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